Swiss Real Estate Research Congress
Specialist congress for research in the fields of urban and spatial development, spatial and real estate economics.
19th June 2025
09:00 to 17:00
HWZ, Lagerstrasse 5, 8004 Zürich

Call for «Paper»
Present your work in the form of a “Paper”. Have it critically assessed by a recognised expert from our lead organisation and discuss it with the public. The sooner we have your contribution, the longer we can promote it and the more sure you are of a place in the programme. Submission deadline: 30th April 2025.

Call for «Poster»
Present your model, your work in the form of a poster and discuss it with the public. The earlier we receive your contribution, the longer we can promote it. Closing date: 30th April 2025.

Registration for the congress
Visit our conference, be inspired and take part in the discussion.
We look forward to your participation!
Prof. Dr. Pascal Gantenbein
Prof. Dr. Peter Ilg, SwissREI
Prof. Dr. Suzanne Ziegler, ZHAW
Dr. Joachim Baldegger, pom+
Dr. Stefan Fahrländer, FPRE
Dr. Marie Glaser, BWO
Francesca Boucard, Swiss Life
Dr. Kerstin Hansen, UBS
The promoters

«…I modelli di previsione sono sempre stati la mia passione e sono stato molto felice di scambiare idee con altri colleghi….»
Louis Montero

«…eine Vielfalt an Themen und ein bunter Strauss an Anregungen…»
Anita Thoma

«…C’est passionnant de voir comment nous avons pu discuter de mon travail. Je vois le sujet dans un contexte plus large maitenant….»
Mirjam Lupain

«…der grosse Wandel durch die KI steht erst noch an…»
Felix Thurnheer

«…schön, wie die Jungen mit vielen neuen Ideen kommen und wie angeregt alle miteinander diskutieren ….»
Anselm Scholz