Poster template


The poster should correspond to an A1 paper format of 841 mm x 594 mm. Both landscape and portrait formats are allowed. There are no design requirements, but we would like to point out that you should check the legibility, font sizes and print quality of images.

The poster should have a meaningful title. Information on the author(s), including a recent photo, should also be included. Make sure that the text is short and concise and supplemented with graphics, pictures or quotations. Attention: The posters do not serve as advertising for products or services, keep them professional!


We have created two templates that you can use to create your poster. Of course, you do not have to work with the templates.


For the printing of the posters please contact your local print shop. Please bring the poster with you on the day of the congress and hang it on the poster wall before the congress begins. You will receive more detailed information on the poster presentation procedure in due course.





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